samsnewsletter.doc is…

A place where I share the thoughts and feeling I have about religion, politics, culture, and my time in graduate school. Instead of being focused on forming arguments and making points, this newsletter is, in a sense, a collection of process documents.

I’m mostly interested in being reflective on what it feels like to interact with the topics I mentioned above. Whether in a conversation, on Instagram, or in a text book, we interact with these things every day. They have a hold on us. So I find it help to reflect on what they feel like, and I hope you find it helpful, too.

Why subscribe?

Subscribing means you get every newsletter directly to your inbox as well as full access to the website. It also gives you the chance to talk back. I regularly read and respond to questions or ideas you might have about what I’m writing about.

Subscribe to samsnewsletter.doc

How I feel about my thoughts and think about my feelings.


I'm a writer and graduate student in religious studies living in Chicago.